Institute of Chemistry
Published: 21/01/2020 - 08:38
Last modification: 14/02/2025 - 14:21
The Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) is a public foundation and the main center of reference in science and technology in a large region of Central Brazil that includes the Triangulo Mineiro area, Alto Paranaíba area, the northwest and parts of the north of Minas Gerais state, the south and southwest of Goiás state, the north of São Paulo state and the east of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso states.
The Institute of Chemistry (IQUFU) has 50 professors distributed among three campi: Uberlândia city-Santa Mônica campus (43 professors), Monte Carmelo city campus (3 professors) and Patos de Minas city campus (4 professors). The IQUFU also has a technical team composed by 21 professionals. The infrastructure of IQUFU provides adequate conditions to train professionals with excellence.
The undergraduate program in Chemistry of IQUFU has two courses: Industrial Chemistry (Bachelor's degree - day-time) and Teaching degree in Chemistry (night-time).
The graduate program of the IQUFU has three courses: Chemistry (PPGQUI), Biofuels (PPGBiocomb) and Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM).
The undergraduate courses in Chemistry and graduate courses (Master and Doctorate) aim to train and specialize highly qualified professionals, with a broad and solid conceptual base in the area of Chemistry and in the specificities of the modalities.
The purpose of IQUFU is to meet social, local, regional and national needs, in line with educational and professional legislation.
Find out more about research groups and laboratories of IQUFU that contribute with scientific and technological development, with the training of young professionals to work in the industry as chemical analysts, in schools as chemistry teachers, and in universities or in federal institutes as researchers.
Director: Fábio Augusto do Amaral
Secretary: Ricardo Margonari da Silva; Henrique Gonçalves Borges; Roberto Gerken de Carvalho
Telephone number: +55 34 3239-4425 R:4425; +55 34 3239-4143 R:4143
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
08h - 12h / 14h - 19h (time zone of Brasília)
Santa Mônica Campus - Bloco 1D
João Naves de Ávila Avenue - 2121 - Santa Mônica
Uberlândia - Minas Gerais - Brazil - CEP: 38400-902