
Antonio Eduardo da Hora Machado

Professor Titular - Doutorado - Dedicação Exclusiva
por Portal IQ
Publicado: 01/03/2019 - 11:26
Última modificação: 05/05/2023 - 14:07
Professor Titular
Situação Funcional: 
Data de ingresso: 
01/02/1989 (36 anos, 1 mês, 11 dias)
Regime de Trabalho: 
Dedicação Exclusiva

Antonio Eduardo da Hora Machado received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. (Physical Chemistry) degrees (the last in 1991) by the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of São Carlos (Nowadays, Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos), Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. He was Assistant Professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil, from 1986 to 1989. Professor at the Federal University of Uberlandia since 1989. Currently works in the career of Associate Professor. Productivity Research Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil), since 1993. Developed post-doctoral studies in the Department of Organic Chemistry, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, under the supervision of Professor David Ernest Nicodem, and studies of shorter duration at the Université Bordeaux, France, and Deutsches Zentrum Für Luft und Raumfahrt eV, DLR, Germany. He has experience in areas of chemistry, with emphasis on Organic Photochemistry, Spectroscopy and Applications of Quantum Chemistry, acting on the following topics: photocatalysis, application of quantum mechanics in the study, characterization, quantification and prediction of physical parameters and design of complex molecular systems (optical brighteners, photosensitizers applicable in photomedicine, compounds with relevant nonlinear optical characteristics, associations photosensitizing dye/ semiconductor oxide for photocatalysis and energy conversion). Since 1986 has supervised 101 research students in different levels (Scientific Initiation, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, and Post-Doctoral studies). Since then, about 67 research publications and 252 scientific communications have appeared in the literature. He has active collaborations with several Brazilian and international laboratories.

Some Scientific Publications

  • A. Lima ; Moreira, L.M. ; Rodrigues, Maira R. ; Hueder Paulo Moisés de Oliveira ; Rafael R.S. Soares ; Vagner R. Batistela ; Adriana P. Gerola ; HIOKA, Noboru ; SEVERINO, Divinomar ; BAPTISTA, Maurício da Silva ; Machado, Antonio Eduardo da Hora . INFLUÊNCIA DE DIFERENTES SISTEMAS DE SOLVENTE ÁGUA-ETANOL SOBRE AS PROPRIEDADES FÍSICO-QUÍMICAS E ESPECTROSCÓPICAS DOS COMPOSTOS MACROCÍCLICOS FEOFITINA E CLOROFILA a. Química Nova (Impresso), v. 33, p. 258-262, 2010. 
  • FUSCONI, Roberta ; Maria Nascimento Assunção, Rosana ; de Moura Guimarães, Renata ; RODRIGUES FILHO, Guimes ; Machado, Antonio Eduardo da Hora . Exopolysaccharide produced by Gordonia polyisoprenivorans CCT 7137 in GYM commercial medium and sugarcane molasses alternative medium: FT-IR study and emulsifying activity. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 79, p. 403-408, 2010.
  • Batistela, Vagner Roberto ; da Costa Cedran, Jaime ; Moisés de Oliveira, Hueder Paulo ; Scarminio, Ieda Spacino ; UENO, Leonardo Tsuyoshi ; Eduardo da Hora Machado, Antonio ; HIOKA, Noboru . Protolytic fluorescein species evaluated using chemometry and DFT studies. Dyes and Pigments, v. 86, p. 15-24, 2010.
  • André S. Afonso ; Luiz R. Goulart ; Isabela M. B. Goulart ; Machado, Antonio Eduardo da Hora ; João M. Madurro ; Ana G. Brito-Madurro . A promising bioelectrode based on gene of Mycobacterium leprae immobilized onto poly(4-aminophenol). Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print), v. 118, p. 2921-2928, 2010.
  • Bogado, André L. ; Barbosa, Marília I.F. ; de Souza, Gezimar D. ; Filho, Edson R. ; Ueno, Leonardo T. ; Machado, Antonio E.H. ; Batista, Alzir A. . On the ROMP of 2-norbornene with an in situ ruthenium carbene complex: ESI-MS, NMR and DFT analyses. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry (Print), v. 695, p. 1708-1714, 2010.
  • de Oliveira, Carlos A. ; Kohn, Luciana K. ; Antonio, Márcia A. ; Carvalho, João E. ; Moreira, Mirian R. ; Machado, Antonio E.H. ; Pessine, Francisco B.T. . Photoinactivation of different human tumor cell lines and sheep red blood cells in vitro by liposome-bound Zn(II) Phthalocyanine: effects of cholesterol. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, v. 100, p. 92-99, 2010.
  • Maximiano, R.V. ; Piovesan, E. ; Zílio, S.C. ; Machado, A.E.H. ; de Paula, R. ; Cavaleiro, J.A.S. ; Borissevitch, I.E. ; Ito, A.S. ; Gonçalves, P.J. ; Barbosa Neto, N.M. . Excited-state absorption investigation of a cationic porphyrin derivative. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry, v. 214, p. 115-120, 2010.

